Headband Liberty, Bandeau élastiqué style turban, Spring bloom - Liberty of London - Elasticated headband turban style, Spring bloom - Liberty of London
Perla, Pince brodée petite taille, en Coton bio nude - Embroidered small hairclip, in pink nude organic cotton
Perle, Pince petit nœud Imprimée - Small bow hairclip printed
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Perle, Pince petit noeud, en Imprimé petites fleurs bleues - Small bow hairclip, in Ditsy blue flowers print
Mimosa, Sac bandoulière brodé, à petits volants smockés, Vichy nude 10mm (19x16cm) - Small cross bag with handsmocked and embroidered ruffles, Nude gingham 10mm (19x16cm)
Mimosa, Sac bandoulière brodé, à petits volants smockés, Imprimé powerty (19x16cm)-Small cross bag with handsmocked and embroidered ruffles, powerty print(19x16cm)
Penelope, Sac en raffia, Imprimé petites fleurs bleues - Raffia bag , Ditsy blue flowers print